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Smart Bonoloto

will help you create your multiple play forecast for the next draw.

This algorithm, among other functions, uses statistics collected from previous draws to create more informed bets.

Next draw

This algorithm, among other functions, uses statistics collected from previous draws to create more informed bets.

You decide how to use this data and apply your own criteria!

We pore over the data looking for patterns, frequencies, and streaks and numbers. This allows us to identify the most frequent numbers known as "dropped" or hot, as well as current streaks and recurring patterns.
We analyze the numbers that have appeared most frequently in previous draws. We search the results for the numbers that are repeated in the same position or specific combination regularly and thus propose combinations introducing heuristic characteristics.
Note that our algorithm does not guarantee definitive results, nor does it predict winning numbers with certainty.
But it can serve as a solid base to make much more informed decisions when creating bets.
Remember that CHANCE is still a key factor in these active games.
But our system could increase your chances of success by considering the most common frequencies, streaks and patterns.
Setup your parameters
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Select how many numbers you want to predict
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Select a randomness coefficient for the predict
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Choose the frequency criterion for "hot numbers"
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Choose the time criterion for "hot numbers"
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Choose the priority of appearances/appearance time in the pre-selection of results
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Do you want to optimize figures (patterns) in the results?
*By clicking "Calculate" you will receive a prediction in a pop-up window. You can repeat the calculation as many times as you want and/or send your play to the ticket, where you can make any desired adjustments and/or validate your predict.
**Our algorithm does not accurately predict winning numbers but can provide a good basis for creating your bets.
Resulting Combination
Loteria Cervantes
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ответственная игра
Admón de Loterías n 2
Держатель: Lotería Cervantes SL
C/ Cervantes 32
03400 Villena Alicante
NIF: B-54667993
Телефон: (+34) 96 580 11 72
Телефонная поддержка:
С понедельника по пятницу с 9:00 до 13:30
и с 5:00 до 8:00
Суббота, с 9:00 до 13:00
Все права защищены.

Логотипы игр и лотереи, используемые в домене, являются собственностью Организма лотерей и ставок государства (LAE). только использует их в определяющем способе, который облегчает выбор игрока.
00d 09h 55m 15s
01d 09h 55m 15s
02d 08h 56m 15s
00d 09h 55m 15s
00d 09h 50m 16s
00d 09h 50m 16s
00d 22h 50m 16s
03d 09h 55m 15s
+18 Autoprohibición Jugar Bien Juego Seguro