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Do they bring the same happiness to sleep well and the one who plays the lottery?

Most likely, we think it"s a very "silly" question and easy to answer, but the same is not so clear ...


The University of Warwick (UK) conducted a study on happiness and sleep where they have shown that improving the quality of sleep can make us as happy as winning the lottery !!! How do you listen


Scientists of that university studied for four years the sleep patterns of 30,594 people older than 16 years. Between the years 2009-2011 and again between 2012-2014 they analyzed the amount of sleep, the quality of the dream and the use of medication to sleep.


The results were measured through the General Health Questionnaire and used linear regression models in each solution, as well as adjust factors that could potentially influence data such as gender, age, education, ethnicity and employment situation.


The findings of the study revealed that poor sleep quality could worsen emotional states and lead to medication use. On the other hand, improvement in the quantity and quality of sleep, in addition to a lower use of sleeping medication, were associated with the highest scores in relation to health and well-being.


These scores were comparable to the well-being that earns a prize of over $ 250,000.    And you who prefer to be happy to sleep well or be happy to win an important prize? If you opt for the prize we will make it easy ....



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Admón de Loterías n 2
Держатель: Lotería Cervantes SL
C/ Cervantes 32
03400 Villena Alicante
NIF: B-54667993
Телефон: (+34) 96 580 11 72
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